My completely off the charts victories started not months after our partnership began but after only 3 weeks when I booked the biggest acting contract of my career, a National TV Commercial with AT&T for their March Madness campaign! After slow years in the business and taking classes with Acting Coaches that produced only frustration, Joan has provided me with a cloak of positive clarity for life and work I love. I’m fascinated by her intuitive understanding and the clear solutions she provides to my issues every time we talk.
MN ~ Irvine, CA
What I enjoy about you is that you’re smart and have a great sense of humor. Joan this is a killer combo. I mean seriously after not talking for a few years, I answer the phone, hear your laugh and know exactly who you are. Seriously? Memorable Joan:)
DV ~ Orcas, WA
This practice has been so good for me as I have back and SI joint problems. It helps to loosen me up, calm me down, and energize me. The calming down piece is something 'extra' that I wasn't expecting. I also find that on hectic days I can use a part of the practice and still get the relief I need. It is such a wonderful tool in my toolbox of self help/healing.
GH ~ Anacortes, WA
Thanks, Joan…my Blood Pressure dropped to normal after our class for the first time in months!
I have to tell you Joan that ever since you did your align your body exercise in class last Thursday, my butt, lower back and spine have been pain free. You are not only a cheerleader but a healer and I love you for that!
You have given me so much this year and last year. A level of resiliency and evenness, a steady guide. Thank you for this. I’m the cliche when I say I could not have done this year without you.
BY ~ Denver, CO
Thank you Joan for your healing words and this "just right" session recording. I did it while my dinner was cooking and now it is ready to enjoy and I know it will taste a lot better because I have relaxed and am more present in this very moment.
NRS ~ Bellingham, WA
I cannot speak highly enough about my Tai Chi Chih practice with Joan. A weekly experience that leaves me balanced, loosened-up and with a real sense of inner peace. Her style of leading a class and teaching is nothing short of delightful. You smile a great deal, and gain knowledge and wisdom at the same time.
LF ~ Olympia, WA
I really liked the whole body tune up. I am especially grateful for the lung balancing. I have asthma and allergies. I found that just by doing this little bit today my breathing seemed to be more effortless.Thank you Joan.
GH ~ Anacortes, WA
I absolutely LOVED this Joan...can't wait for next week's reading!
MC ~ San Francisco, CA
I find the Little Island cards to be so in tune to whatever is going on. They sit on my desk and when I am in a quandary I will pick one and it is always perfect. They often bring me back to what I know and what I stopped paying attention to in that moment. I find I can often breathe more deeply upon reading.
CO ~ Orcas, WA
Never before have I started a meditation with a frown and ended with a smile. Joan provides a space to clear your mind, relax, breathe and tap into your own energy which allows you to move into the day on a clear and positive note. And she does this all on the phone!
DM ~ Long Beach, CA
Together, Joan and I held a wellness weekend for 8 women in Borrego Springs, CA in January 2018. Joan was the highlight of the weekend, imparting wisdom, teaching meditation and the value of stillness, helping each participant do the personal work they didn't know they needed! There was laughter, tears and a full sense of connection when the weekend was completed. We will be repeating this successful weekend in the future, together!
DR ~ San Diego, CA
You: you make me giggle. I treasure your informality and style. I totally respect your years of experience and knowledge. Each class you drop a nugget here and there that adds depth to the practice.
Joan gives good Zen!…thank you Joan, you have filled what’s been missing in our life.
Joan is an amazing coach! She helps you dig down and see the problem, then helps you find the solution. She is also intuitive offering ideas and thoughts you would never think of. Joan is great for both business and creative types. The best thing about Joan is that she really cares. She's a very nice person. I can't think of anything better I can say about her.
MA ~ Los Angeles, CA
Bravo to both of you for sharing this interesting coalescence of energy healing and clearing space as simple as a bookcase. I love the card readings and how both of you relate that to other ideas and discoveries in discussion. You’re both a natural, and the exercises were relaxing and good coaching for us that need to de stress! I closed my eyes and listened. Such a smart and fun way to share your wisdom and insights with the world and feel happy all at once!
CT ~ Fairfield, CA
Let us just tell you how much we three appreciated the Ease Please recording! We downloaded the zoom app onto my mother’s iPad and showed her how to use it. Yesterday, after we flew home, she texted us to let us know that she was triumphant in doing the session without us! We were so tickled. When we called her this afternoon she was getting ready to do it again. Thank you, thank you, thank you
KO & SN ~ Anacortes, WA
Thank you, Joan, for the wonderful session today! I had 2 blocked areas in my spine and they've loosened up! Yay! I feel really energized!
GH ~ Anacortes, WA
Since 2006 I have been working with Joan Roulac on a monthly basis. Her unique approach addresses what I most need in the moment. These monthly sessions support my ability to create, grow and lead 3 innovative companies with less stress. I recommend the Power of Joan!!!
JB ~ Palm Beach Shores, FL
Wow. That's all. Just wow.
CO ~ Orcas, WA
My Monday’s and Friday’s are better because of you. So often you hit the nail on the head and say exactly what I need to hear.
Thanks so much
JH ~ Orcas, WA
Your musings have become sort of like a marker on a trail, a signal that a new stretch of terrain has just begun, and that all is not lost if we just get our heads on straight and lean into it...gracefully if possible.
DS ~ Ventura, CA
Joan is a delight. I first met her when she was recommended as a teacher for a T'ai Chi class. She brings great energy and excitement to what it has to offer. She is able to teach and create the meditative state that allows your body to receive whatever it needs. I've also worked with Joan using her intuitive work. She is spot on. Once again, whatever you need during your time with her, she is able to provide. She trusts the process and the intuition that tells her how to support you. Her enthusiasm is contagious and she remains engaged and committed to you outside of any formal sessions. You have no doubt Joan has a gift she has chosen to share with others and I am very thankful that she has.
DW ~ Orcas, WA
…each week I arrive with a knot in my shoulder, and it is gone when I leave…used to take 3 ibuprofen each morning to be able to move, and now it’s no longer needed…I had 2 blocked areas in my spine today and they've loosened up! Yay! I feel really energized!…What I like the most is you can do as much or little as you are physically or mentally able to without judgment. And it works! My balance is so much better…I love the feeling of being more centered after my practice. I feel as if I take up more space. Thank you, Joan.
It's Sunday afternoon and I was finally able to watch it. Very enjoyable and helpful. Been a bit crazy here...ha ha. I picked #3 and setting boundaries was the perfect insight. Boundaries can be so many things, real and virtual: our bodies, our homes, property lines, our time, our opinions, our freedoms, etc. Thank you for this J !
CC-L ~ So CA
I listened, learned, laughed and loved!! Your enthusiasm and excitement is perfect, and that’s what we all love about you!!
NG ~ Victoria, BC